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 English Language Learners


ā€‹ā€‹English Language Learners (ELL) is a required program for students whose home language is other than English and who are classified asless than independent in English. It is a Language Arts program that incorporates all aspects of Language Arts instruction, content, and language development. The program's instruction addresses Reading/Literature, Composition, Vocabulary/Word Study/Language,Listening/Speaking/Viewing, Information Literacy/Study and Test Taking, and Culture.

 Exceptional Student Education


ā€‹ā€‹We have a large population of students receiving services in various ESE programs, ranging from Learning Disabled to Profoundly Mentally Handicapped. We offer a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of all students and parents. Both ESE and General education students receive ongoing assistance from dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists, a counselor, and a psychologist. Every effort is made to meet the individual needs of each student, and to personalize instruction through the use of state-of-the-art technology, quality teacher training programs and ongoing parent trainings.

 Extended Foreign Language Program


ā€‹ā€‹Extended Foreign Language Program (EFL) is offered at Amelia Earhart Elementary. The EFL program is an all-inclusive program; there are no restrictions on the type of student that can participate nor are there GPA requirements. Kindergarten and Grade 1 are the entry points for the EFL Programs. Student selection is based on Parental Choice letter response. If the number of Parental Choice letter responses exceeds the number of spaces available in the EFL Program, the date and time for a lottery are advertised. Students whose names are selected during the lottery are accepted into the EFL program. A waiting list is created with the remaining student names based on the lottery rankings. The waiting list is maintained for one (1) year. A student can be monolingual, bilingual, gifted, or classified ESE. The EFL program offers a school within a school approach to world language education. The goal of the program is to offer students the opportunity to become proficient in speaking, reading, and writing in English and one other language. At the elementary level the program is designed for a group of students at each grade level who, after participation in the program for one school year, are enrolled in the subsequent grade level with the ultimate goal of creating a K-5 continuum. Language Arts/Reading/Writing are the subjects taught in the EFL Program in which students are provided 1 hour of daily instruction in Spanish (300 minutes per week).

 Gifted Program


ā€‹ā€‹Gifted Education Program is designed to meet the needs of gifted students K-12. A gifted student is defined by State Board Education rule6A-6.03019 as one who has superior intellectual development and is capable of high performance. Eligibility under State Board Rule includesa documented need for the program, a majority of gifted characteristics, and an intelligence quotient in the superior range. Additionaleligibility criteria are available for limited English proficient students and students from low socio-economic families. Curriculum componentsinclude: enrichment, acceleration, alignment with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards, Gifted ProgramGoals and Objectives, and Gifted Program Standards. Amelia Earhart Elementary presently provides a Gifted Program in the area of Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts.



ā€‹ā€‹Pre-Kindergarten Program affords children the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational activities during the school day, which runs from 8:20 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. for the full day program, Monday through Friday. Prekindergarten children are active learners. They discover their world by direct experiences. Within our classrooms, the children are provided with opportunities to: (1) manipulate materials,(2) choose activities (3)acquire skills with tools and equipment, (4) solve problems, (5) use small and large muscles, and (6) take care of one's own needs within a carefully planned daily routine.

 After Care


ā€‹ā€‹We strive to provide you a before and after care program that is a safe learning environment for your child while you are working. Fees and Schedules $6.00 per day Before Care (7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.) $6.00 per day Story Hour (2:50 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.) $12.00 per day After Care (2:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)  Program Manager: Maribel D'Arduini Community School Specialist/Program Secretary: Melissa Morrison

5987 E. 7th Avenue, Hialeah, Florida 33013 Ph: (305) 688-9619

Fax: (305) 769-9038


Follow us on Twitter @AmeliaEarhartEl


Mr. Roberto J. Alonso

School Board Member

District 4


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